Demineralization plants

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Demineralization Water Treatment Plant

Ion Exchange Based Demineralization System

The clean / demineralized water [H2O] is generated when the cation and anion of dissolved solids in water are swapped with hydrogen and hydroxyl ions, respectively. Cation exchangers are charged with hydro chloric acid to restore hydrogen ions, whereas anion exchangers are charged with sodium hydroxide to restore hydroxyl ions during regeneration.

Effluent Characteristics

In most cases, the regenerant [Hydrochloric Acid and Caustic Soda] quantity is used 30-40% more than the actual required for cation and anion exchanger regeneration. In addition to the Calcium Magnesium created during the exchange process, the excessive regenerant causes a 50-60% excess, caustic Nacl salt to be produced by neutralisation. As a result, the effluent has a larger concentration and is more caustic.

We offer an exchanger with heavy-duty modified lateral nozzles and SS perforated pipe that allows for equal liquid distribution and effective regeneration of the latest technology-based uniform bead size resin. The effective regeneration produces high purity water while reducing regenerant quantities to practically minimal regeneration levels, leading in cost savings. We use weak acid cation and weak base anion in cases of demineralization, greater alkalinity, or mineral acidity, respectively. We make our unit environmentally friendly by eliminating the drainage of surplus effluent water quantity and corrosive salts to lessen the strain on the ETP, which in turn has an impact on the environment.

We develop a technically solid proposal for a water demineralization plant based on raw water analysis, which is the most appropriate design for analysis, allowing clients to acquire consistent high purity water at the most cost-effective rate.

The DM plant’s exchangers are constructed with an optimal bed depth, are made of MS sheet that conforms to IS-2062, are inside rubber-lined and externally epoxy painted after sandblasting, and use the best Mono Dia Sphere resin on the market.


  • Membrane-based plant pretreatment
  • Pre-treatment for the treatment of boiler feed.
  • Source with a high bicarbonate content.


  • Rubber-coated MS construction.
  • Cations and anions are effectively removed.
  • Regeneration System That Works Appropriate.
  • Exchange Media Selection.
  • Prompt After-Sale Support.